Adhyayan Collaborative School Review  Programme



A multi-stakeholder team uses the Adhyayan Quality Standard framework as a guide. It reviews the 6 key performance areas through the lens of quality to make accurate judgements of their school’s performance in advance of creating its action plan. The school’s improvement journey is captured by the annual self-review.

What good looks like’ is defined and measured by the school team, using the tools and processes provided by Adhyayan, including an online portal for uploading evidence, evaluating performance, and tracking the impact of the school’s action plan.


Adhyayan Diagnostic

6 Key Performance Areas;

18 key questions;

54 core questions;

162 assessment criteria


Schools and their stakeholders develop:

  • a common vocabulary of quality, a habit of continuous review
  • a practice of data-driven, systemic reform that keeps their practice on the cutting edge and maximizes student achievement
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Watch our directors speak about

Adhyayan – Helping leaders change learning and lives

What our partners say?

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Pawar Public School, Kandivali sharing their Collaborative Review experience…

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School Self-Review impact at Apple Buds Academy, Manipur.


We are online now and have an Online & Distance School Readiness Diagnostic too!

Click here to get in touch with us.