Education Essentials

As our classrooms vary in various parameters of geography, language, etc. Diverse they require contextual training. Specifically during the Covid era where education is happening through virtual medium, it becomes highly imperative for the teachers to understand the context of every child in detail.

Why Your Teacher Needs To Be Trained Better?

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Developing Education or Cultural Distancing? Delving into the EMRS Scheme

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Education has been conceived as both the cornerstone and springboard for development in India. Yet given that India’s populations are mired in different social, cultural, and economic realities, educational frameworks need to become adaptable and accessible to these differences for real learning. How do government education schemes for tribal populations like the Eklavya Model Residential School work within such a purview?

Upon a critical review of the NITI Aayog’s “School Education Quality Index” (SEQI), questions arose on the effectiveness of the index to provide an in-depth objective analysis of the overall quality of school education in India.

Can the NITI Ayog’s School Education Quality Index Effectively Evaluate Indian Education?

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We Need To Start Talking About Teacher’s Mental Health

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Teachers are accustomed to caring about the social-emotional well-being of students and are trained to keep a check on signs of anxiety, depression, bullying, or aggression. Yet they are still just learning how to talk about a huge, hidden threat to their work: their own mental health.

Current teachers training in India is unable to cover tough spots and follows a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. What are the things that we are missing out on?

Spotlight Needed On Training Teachers In India

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Working together to teach at the right level

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A qualitative study done alongside the randomized evaluation indicated that during the school year, teachers felt compelled to complete the curriculum even though many of the children were far below grade level.

We care about #EducationForAll in India — which is why we’ve partnered with Leadership for Equity’s Associates to show you how it can be achieved! In the first instalment of this series, Pranjali Hardikar and Ashwini Maslekar ask: who’s teaching India’s overburdened teachers?

Who Teaches the Teachers? Developing Teacher Mentors for Quality Education

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Press Room

The pandemic has coerced students, teachers and other stakeholders to adopt digital platforms in a bid to continue the learning process. How can we plan our education systems to be more resilient and captive to shocks like COVID-19 in the long run?

#Dialogues: Building COVID-19 Resilience in Education with Kavita Anand

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What The Progress Report Promises To Look Like & How That Can Take Place: NEP 2020

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Schools must remember that students enrol to learn, not to be graded. And that their primary job is to enable independent, critical thinkers who collaboratively and respectfully take care of themselves and the planet.

Computational thinking and maker spaces are integrated into the curriculum to enhance the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship so that students tinker and play with material and objects by taking things apart and creating artefacts that are meaningful to them.

With a unique approach towards learning students of Heritage Xperiential Learning School top CBSE results

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Why Education Must be an Essential Service: An Educator’s Impassioned Plea

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Education must be India’s priority, along with other core areas such as healthcare for which crores of rupees are being allocated today because Covid19 is here. We must ensure that high-quality education is listed as an essential service to which every child is entitled.

 “We don’t believe in bringing change till things are working fine. There is also the system wherein all our children pass exams and we’re fine with it. Why don’t we want a paradigm shift?”

We need to ponder over what’s going to stop us from becoming a global powerhouse and what’s going to make it possible for that to happen.

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Adhyayan engages schools in self-review to improve education standards

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The Adhyayan Quality Standard is a measure of quality for schools irrespective of their board affiliation, socio-economic status and geographical location

While it’s natural to pursue choosing the best school for your child, it’s hard to determine what makes one school stand out over another

Recognizing ‘Best’ When Choosing The Best School For Your Child

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Kavita Anand, “I am passionate about Education.”

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Marks versus subjects; is society the challenge; how do we build an exemplar school; the need for the child to lead learning; and finally, how do we provide the scaffolding space for the teachers.

SEL can do for children and adults, bringing out the big picture of the education system that fulfils the Sustainable Development Goals of facilitating achievement of education equity and better mental health outcome.

COP: What is Social Emotional Learning ? Why is it so important ? 

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